Thursday, January 27, 2011


bila pakai braces nih..tak sabar nak tunggu time bukak besi ni (lg dua tahun)..boleh dapat  ke hollywood smile yang diidam2 kan itu. now nak tunjuk gmbar2 artis hollywood nye gigi dahulu dan sekarang..leh lah korang lihat perbezaannye. hope esok gigi aku cantik macam diorang ni jugak..ngeh3

                                                      50 cent
                                                   cheryl cole
                                                      hilary duff
                                                 keith urban
                                                 mike tyson
                                                        nicholas cage
                                                  posh beckham
                                                       tom cruise
                                                        zac efron
                                                    catherine zeta jones

hehehe ade possibility tak aku akan jadi jelita dan kacak macam diorang ni.hahaha perasan btol kan.
tak pe lah..tunggu dan lihat je lah nanti.wink2.

with love,
Imelda xoxo


Anonymous said...

oh tuan blog pkai braces ggi tom cruise tol ke cmtu dulu?owww..bru tau..heee

ayietouch photography said...

msti ade posibility tu.....msti cantik nnti....x sbr nk tggu 2 thun lg....imelda msti lg la x sbr...huhu

The Party Paradise said...

yup..gigi tome cruise mmg buruk gile dulu..haha;p

btw ayie, klu dah cantik nanti leh jadi model untuk photoshoot awk x..ahahaha ;D

mawardi said...

wah bisa nak dpat dimane tuh operasi